Despite its name, ALS Canada does not represent or serve all of Canada. A common misconception is that funds from ALS Canada trickle down to provincial ALS Societies. It is actually the opposite. Since our departure from ALS Canada in 2015, every donor dollar raised in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia goes directly back to support people with ALS in these provinces.
The care and support your loved one receives is NOT from ALS Canada. The support your loved one receives is because of your local provincial ALS Society. If your loved one has received support from your provincial Society, that means the support was possible because of generous donations to your local provincial Society.
When you choose to direct your donations to the ALS Society of Canada, your donations do not support anyone with ALS in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. When you choose to direct your donations to the ALS Society of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, your donations directly support the people in your communities on the ALS journey. ALS Society of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia relies on donations to keep our doors open and continue providing much needed support to our families on the ALS journey.