Ice Bucket Challenge: 10th Anniversary




The Origin of an Iconic Movement: The Ice Bucket Challenge, initiated in 2014 by three young men living with ALS – Anthony Senerchia, Pete Frates, and Pat Quinn, became a global phenomenon, significantly accelerating ALS research and awareness. This summer, we commemorate the 10th Anniversary of this life-changing campaign.

Unprecedented Impact: Since its inception, the challenge has raised $220 million worldwide, creating a ripple effect of awareness and funding for ALS research and patient support. In Canada alone, $17 million was raised, contributing to groundbreaking projects like Project MinE and the development of the Canadian Best Practice Recommendations for ALS management.

Why Your Support Matters:

  • Research Progress: Funds have fueled significant discoveries, including the NEK1 gene linked to ALS, and supported the ambitious Project MinE, aiming to map the DNA profiles of those affected by ALS.
  • Direct Assistance: Here in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, we aim to invest in crucial breathing equipment and continue our support for ALS research, aiming to raise $400,000.

Funds will be Equally Split to:

  • Support Project MinE – A multi-national project (including Canada) to map the DNA profiles of 15,000 people living with ALS and 7,500 control subjects. The mass amount of data to be collected will allow scientists to understand more fully why some people develop ALS and other do not. This will enable targeted research for therapies and drugs to slow progression of the disease.
  • Support the purchase of equipment used to study ALS and other neurological diseases by researchers at the Brain Repair Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

How You Can Contribute:

  • Engage: Follow and share via our social media channels. Use #DunkChallengeDonate to join the conversation.
  • Participate: Join us at events, including the “World’s Largest Ice Bucket Challenge” on the Halifax Waterfront, and participate in the challenge itself.
  • Donate and Fundraise: Every contribution supports our mission to understand, treat, and cure ALS.

Your Role in the Journey: Engaging with the 10th Anniversary ALS Ice Bucket Challenge means you become a part of a global movement toward significant strides in the fight against ALS. Join us to celebrate a decade of difference and to stride into the future with hope and determination. Together, we can shape a future where ALS is no longer a threat.

For more information and to get involved, please contact Kimberly Carter or Trey Russell-Johnson at the provided emails.